Variation meant to present each artist’s distinctive, unique and individualized contributions, the exhibition examines the mean to push the boundaries of materials and exploring each artists’ characteristic artistic approach. The exhibition give importance to the process rather than the final outcome. The exhibition comprises of new and on-going series from the four artists.
Untitled (oil) is Arjinjonathan Arjinkit latest series which he continue to work on oil paint. While his Gazing Into Colour series is meant to present the colour of nowadays metropolitan life with his signature bright and vivid colour. In this new series, he works on a more somber and pastel palette.
Untitled (epoxy) is an on-going series by Vienna-base artist, Dejan Dukic. He starts develop the series from the early 2000s. In this series, he employs acrylic paint, fluid pigment and epoxy, layers after layers, resulting in the unique characteristic body of the work. Storage Painting is one of another on-going series; with an intention to recreate artwork out of artwork. He cut the edge of his frame structure, and recompose it as a new body of work. Dejan’s mean to recreate the meaning of his ‘painting’.
Cement is Pichakorn Chukiew latest series. Pichakorn has been working consistently on his abstract painting. He often applies collage technique, including his use of material available at hand in his artwork creation. Applying cement in this recent work is his new challenge in his artistic approach.
SAMSARA is an ongoing series by Japanese Bangkok-base artist, Soichiro Shimizu. He has been developing the series for years. Embedded in Soichiro multi-layered, monotone paints are the act of a response to his feeling while he was working; at the final process, he scraped off the surface, revealing what lay underneath. His diaristic work resonate the presence and trace of time.